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Report Wrongdoings

How to report suspected violations of Save the Children policies, procedures and Code of Ethics.

All Save the Children employees and representatives are expected to understand and comply with all applicable laws, and with Save the Children’s own policies, procedures and Code of Ethics. If there is any perceived difference between one of our policies and relevant laws or donor requirements, the highest applicable standard will apply.

If you have a concern about a potential violation of applicable laws and regulations, Save the Children’s Code of Ethics, or other applicable policies and procedures, you can report it to Save the Children using EthicsPoint. EthicsPoint is a comprehensive and confidential third-party anonymous hotline.

EthicsPoint is NOT

  • a place for feedback on programmatic implementation.
  • an emergency service to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. 

The information you provide will be sent to Save the Children by EthicsPoint on a confidential and anonymous basis if you should choose.

Save the Children does not tolerate retaliation against or harassment of an employee who has reported a concern in good faith. Retaliation and harassment will result in discipline, up to and including discharge from employment.

By clicking here to access EthicsPoint, you will be taken to our partner’s website, which is not owned by Save the Children. You can also report anonymously by phone at 1-844-287-1892. If you are outside the US and would like to report a concern by phone, go to for a full listing of contact numbers by country.